Category: Top News

Paradine bei den Instandhaltungstagen 2022!

Wir freuen uns bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass wir erstmalig an den Instandhaltungstagen 2022 teilnehmen!

Wir werden am 3. Tag, dem Kongresstag am 30.06.2022 mit einem Informationsstand im Kongressberiech der Messe Salzburg vertreten sein.

Eine Anmeldung zu den Instandhaltungstagen ist bis zum 20.06.2022 unter folgendem Link möglich:

Wir haben außerdem die Möglichkeit, Ihnen einen Rabatt-Code zur Verfügung zu stellen (gültig für Tickets am Fokustag). Kontaktieren Sie uns unter um Ihren persönlichen Rabatt-Code zu erhalten.


Vernetzung, Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch stehen seit Beginn beim Branchentreffpunkt, der von den Instandhaltungsexperten von dankl+partner consulting & MCP Deutschland gemeinsam mit Messfeld GmbH veranstaltet wird, im Mittelpunkt. Von 28. bis 29.06.2022 erwarten Sie in Salzburg knackige Fachtrainings sowie am 30.06.2022 ein Konferenztag zum Thema “IM FOKUS: Anlagenproduktivität. Digitalisierung. Personaleffizienz.“, randvoll mit Inputs von Praktikern und Experten. Innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen sehen Sie auch im Rahmen der begleitenden Fachausstellung am 30.06.

Vortrags- und Trainings-Programm finden Sie unter

Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche interessante Gespräche!

Stay on the Lookout for Upcoming Webinars!

Don’t miss out on our next ECLASS and/or eCatCreator™ webinar!

We have published our webinar dates for Q3 and Q4 2022.

Go deep into the world of Material master data management, standardization, catalog data management, maintenance, spare parts management and many more topics!

What you can expect:

  • Interactive and professional presentations
  • Customer success stories and
  • Best practices examples
  • Q&A

Paradine is ELCASS Preferred Partner Platinum. Benefit from the expertise of our ECLASS experts!

ECLASS PLatinum logo.png

All dates can be found here

More infos about the content of our webinars as well as registration links can be found here (ECLASS) and here (eCatCreator). 

Paradine @ BME eLösungstage 2022

After 2 years of corona-break, Paradine offers the possibility of personal exchange at the largest trade fair for eSOLUTIONS and ePROCUREMENT in Düsseldorf!

Visit us from May 31 – June 1, 2022 at Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf and talk to us about topics such as High Quality Master Data, Digitalization, Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Implementations.

Fore more details visit

You can also book a time slot for a personal appointment at the trade fair. To do so, contact 

We look forward to meeting you at the eLösungstage in Düsseldorf!

Paradine Office Kiew – temporarily closed

Dear Customer / Dear Visitor,

Currently the situation in Kiew is unsafe and unpredictable. Therefore, Paradine Office Kiew is closed, and we are supporting all colleagues that live and work for our Kyiv organization to organize a safe environment for themselves and their families.

Together with our local Ukraine management team we are continuously monitoring the situation carefully. Nevertheless, in the current situation we are not able to predict how the situation will affect current projects. Paradine puts all means and efforts in place to mitigate the impacts caused by this war.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our support team or contact us at

For everyone’s sake, let´s hope for a rapid de-escalation to the violence and that brighter times come soon.

Best regards,

Paradine GmbH, Vienna

eCatCreator™ Webinars >> new dates!

eCatCreator™ supports reliable electronic product data exchange. It enables users to easy and fast create ECLASS based electronic product descriptions. eCatCreator™ also fully supports the ECLASS engineering workflow. Please find the dates here.

We have moved!

We would like to inform you that we have moved. You can find us in the same building, staircase 1, 4th floor.
Our address remains unchanged: Technologiestraße 5, 1120 Vienna, Austria

Featuring eptos™ Publication Manager

Let us introduce the new eptos™ Publication Manager which supports the creation, maintenance and provision of consistent publication structures for professional technical publications.

eptos™ Publication Manager supports the users to create and compose and maintain content elements for publications like preferred parts catalogs, product datasheets and product catalogs. eptos™ Publication Manager is fully integrated in eptos™ solutions interacting with relevant eptos™ modules. ECLASS content from all releases are supported.

Target groups are product manufacturer, product suppliers, plant operators, machine manufacturers who want to streamline the creation and maintenance of structured and reliable technical publications.

For further information please contact Paradine at and the data sheet can be found  here.

eCatCreator version 1.6 is released!

eCatCreator™ is a PC based software from Paradine supporting relibable electronic product data exchange. It enables the users to easy and fast create ECLASS based electronic product descriptions or electronic product catalogs in BMEcat or ISO29002-10 format. eCatCreator™ fully support the ECLASS workflow, ECLASS-XML 3.0 and latestest ECLASS release 11.1.

Preview ECLASS Webservice

The fastest and easiest way to access ECLASS content!
No data overhang / directly into your system – in real time / full cost control / free of charge for ECLASS Concordance licensees
You can retrieve ECLASS category extensions, release updates or language integrations immediately and in real time directly into your PIM, PDM, PLM, ERP or shop system. The ECLASS Webservice as a new distribution channel enables you to fetch exactly the relevant subset of ECLASS structures directly and ad hoc into your system.